Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

Tips Atasi BBM Yang Lemmot

Selasa kemarin (01/04/14) BlackBerry Messenger untuk BBOS mendapatkan update ke versi banyak terdapat fitur didapatkan.

Namun, pada beberapa type dan OS BBM versi ini terkesan "lemot". Sebetulnya yang membuat lemot adalah menipisnya memory internal yang tersisa karena banyaknya aplikasi yang diinstal dan dijalankan. Jadi, silahkan exit atau hapus aplikasi bersifat online

Sebagai catatan, aplikasi aeperti LINEWhatsAppKakoTalk. 

WhatsApp ada diantaranya yang tidak bisa di exit jadi lebih baik HAPUS. Aplikasi poto editor, seperti picmixphotoStory, atau lainnya berukuran besar lebih baik dihapus saja dan instal ketika memang dibutuhkan sewaktu mau editing saja

Apabila sudah hapus aplikasi yang dirasa kurang penting, tapi tetap merasa lemot solusinya adalah: 
Matikan jaringan terlebih dulu, cabut baterai kemudian diamkan 5 menit lalu pasang lagi, setelah blackberry menyala, buka BBM tekan tombol blackberry pilih options di bagian contact list style pilih 1 lines, kemudian save, coba nyalakan kembali jaringan

Apabila masih tetap dirasa lemot, coba ganti ke tema bawaan terlebih dahulu dan pastikan tidak banyak aplikasi berjalan.

Semoga Bermanfaat ^^

Turn Off Your TV and Write Articles!

You May Be Turning Off Your Screens, But You'll Be Turning On Your Life!
It's Screen-Free Week! Also known as Digital-Detox Week and TV-Turnoff Week, this is an annual international event to encourage everyone to turn off their screens and "turn on life."
Consider how much of your days are sucked up by constantly checking your text messages, voice mail, email, social media notifications, news feeds, so on and so forth - all because you just can't bear to miss something. Then add that to the amount of time you watch television.
12 Hours (Maybe More) of Media per DAY
Last year, it was reported the time spent per day with major media by adults averaged 12 hours and 5 minutes every day.* Granted, much of that may have been spent connected to devices while at work, but that only accounts for an average of 8.4 hours a day on a typical 5-day workweek. This means we spend the majority of our waking moments plugged in for professional and personal gain.
Jumat, 11 April 2014

10 Ways to Inspire, Motivate, and Encourage a Young Writer

April 10 Is Encourage a Young Writer Day!
From poems to short stories to autobiographies to much more, young writers are getting a burst of writing inspiration today!
So why not include articles into the mix? Encourage young writers to offer their insights to the world through article writing!
Yes, even kids are specialists - in their own way. Many kids, with just an ounce of encouragement, will talk your ear off about their hobbies or interests. They know how to perform complicated tasks that even adults have a difficult time handling. And they are often more aware of the latest trends than adults!
Help them channel all of that youthful knowledge and passion by encouraging them to write. Here's how!
Jumat, 04 April 2014

15 Article Templates You Won't Find Anywhere Else!

Not sure what to write for your next set of articles?
Look no further than the Potpourri Article Template package featuring these 15 article ideas.
Why these article templates? Not only do they make writing easier by giving you the structure and a paragraph-by-paragraph walk through, they also give you that spark of inspiration to tap into your innermost thoughts in order to share them with your readers.
And I should mention, as Article Templates go, these are truly special - you'll see!
Kamis, 03 April 2014

Theme iOS 7 for BlackBerry

Great Fusion of iOS and BlackBerry 7.
Maximum Optimization to Prevent Memory Leaks.
Bouncing Icons.
12/15 icon Home Screen, depending on the device.
Changeable app order.
Changeable wallpaper, the Dock remains unchanged.
Screen shots may differ as per device.
Note: for OS6 some icon may not change due to software restriction in OS 6.

I Love 10 Theme for BlackBerry

Download OTA

Senin, 31 Maret 2014

10 Ways to Make People Fall in Love With Your Article

You'll Want to Bookmark This Post!
We're going to skip the cliches about love, romance, and other sundries.
You want to know how to make people fall in love with your articles.
Let me be frank with you: it's not a walk in the park. It takes being honest with yourself and practice, but that doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile!
These 10 steps will help you connect with readers, build your exposure, and you'll have a lot more fun with your writing in the process.
Let's get started.
1. Calling all thrill-seeking titles!
A good title is the difference between stating "I have a story to tell you" and "you're not going to believe what just happened to me." The latter always trumps the former - always. People want to be surprised and even possibly shocked. They want to feel included, like you're sharing some private secret or giving them information that's exclusively for them.

10 Cara Membuat Orang Jatuh Cinta Dengan Artikel Anda

Anda akan Bookmark Post ini!
Kita akan melewatkan klise tentang cinta, asmara, dan serba-serbi lain.
Anda ingin tahu bagaimana membuat orang jatuh cinta dengan artikel Anda.
Biarkan aku jujur ​​dengan Anda: itu bukan berjalan di taman. Dibutuhkan bersikap jujur ​​dengan diri sendiri dan praktek, tapi itu tidak berarti itu tidak berharga!
10 langkah ini akan membantu Anda terhubung dengan pembaca, membangun ekspos, danAnda akan memiliki lebih banyak bersenang-senang dengan tulisan Anda dalam proses.
Mari kita mulai.
1. Memanggil semua judul mencari sensasi!
Judul yang baik adalah perbedaan antara menyatakan "Aku punya cerita untuk memberitahu Anda" dan "Anda tidak akan percaya apa yang baru saja terjadi padaku.

Kumpulan Font Keren dan Lucu untuk BlackBerry Part 5

1. Architex

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

How to Write Informative Content With a Creative Twist

Increase Your Creative Power
Want to have fun? Want to be more daring and feel great about taking risks without worrying about failure? Want to see opportunities instead of obstacles? Want to improve your problem solving skills? Want to be more innovative? Want to be happier and more playful with your writing?
Tap into your creativity.
Discover how you can be more creative, the creative writing process, and gain 10 creativity-infused writing strategies from the pros in the graphic below. Click the graphic below to view this post online!
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

7 Keys to Repair a Severed Connection with Your Audience

Your Opportunity Is Now
Maintaining reader engagement is hard.
There are dozens of minuscule details that can make or break your audience's distraction-prone, hair-trigger attention span. Make it and you'll have gained a reader. Break it and you'll lose a reader.
If you ended up making a bad impression due to a down website, a stray typo in your article, or even a negative review, then it's important to remember: it isn't the end of the world.
It's an opportunity.
You may lose a battle here and there, but your commitment to get back up when you fall and improve your strategy will help you achieve a successful outcome.
Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Cute Smart Sexy Fancy Pink HD Doodle Theme -SMS Viewer And Composer Free For BlackBerry

A cute viewer and composer for your SMS both for Girls and Boys.

Customize the looks of your SMS with A cute viewer and composer for your SMS handsome effects:

  • Textures
  • Backgrounds
  • Colored Bubbles
  • Colored Texts
  • Themes Cursive, bold, italic and 100+ fonts!

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

15 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Your Writing: Kill the Doubt

Stop Doubting Your Ability to Write

The first blog post I had ever written for this blog scared me senseless. I knew the material after years assisting Expert Authors and leading an incredible group of editors, but that first post … I stared a blank screen. I wrote a few lines, deleted them, wrote a few lines, deleted them, and continued repeating the cycle. I checked email and caught up on a few other projects. When Penny hinted at my approaching deadline for it, I finally locked the door to my office and churned out one of the worst drafts I’ve likely ever written in my life.
Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

BlackBerry Messenger For OS 7.1

BlackBerry Messenger 

Berbincang dengan teman-teman di seluruh dunia – gratis melalui Wi-Fi

BBM™ 7.0 kini menghadirkan kebebasan bagi Anda untuk mengobrol bersama teman-teman dengan cara yang Anda inginkan. Peralihan yang mulus dari percakapan BBM ke obrolan BBM Voice dan berbincang dengan teman-teman Anda, secara virtual di belahan dunia mana pun mereka berada, secara gratis 1 melalui Wi-Fi.  Tetap terhubung dengan BlackBerry® Messenger secara lebih mudah dari sebelumnya.
Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

BlackBerry Messenger For OS 7

BlackBerry Messenger 

Berbincang dengan teman-teman di seluruh dunia – gratis melalui Wi-Fi

BBM™ 7.0 kini menghadirkan kebebasan bagi Anda untuk mengobrol bersama teman-teman dengan cara yang Anda inginkan. Peralihan yang mulus dari percakapan BBM ke obrolan BBM Voice dan berbincang dengan teman-teman Anda, secara virtual di belahan dunia mana pun mereka berada, secara gratis 1 melalui Wi-Fi.  Tetap terhubung dengan BlackBerry® Messenger secara lebih mudah dari sebelumnya.

BlackBerry Messenger For OS 6

BlackBerry Messenger 

Berbincang dengan teman-teman di seluruh dunia – gratis melalui Wi-Fi

BBM™ 7.0 kini menghadirkan kebebasan bagi Anda untuk mengobrol bersama teman-teman dengan cara yang Anda inginkan. Peralihan yang mulus dari percakapan BBM ke obrolan BBM Voice dan berbincang dengan teman-teman Anda, secara virtual di belahan dunia mana pun mereka berada, secara gratis 1 melalui Wi-Fi.  Tetap terhubung dengan BlackBerry® Messenger secara lebih mudah dari sebelumnya.
Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

BlackBerry Messenger For OS 5

BlackBerry Messenger 
Berbincang dengan teman-teman di seluruh dunia – gratis melalui Wi-Fi

BBM™ 7.0 kini menghadirkan kebebasan bagi Anda untuk mengobrol bersama teman-teman dengan cara yang Anda inginkan. Peralihan yang mulus dari percakapan BBM ke obrolan BBM Voice dan berbincang dengan teman-teman Anda, secara virtual di belahan dunia mana pun mereka berada, secara gratis 1 melalui Wi-Fi.  Tetap terhubung dengan BlackBerry® Messenger secara lebih mudah dari sebelumnya.

15 Powerful Ways Your Writing Can Make a Difference

"True joy comes when you inspire, encourage, and guide someone else on a path that benefits him or her." - Zig Ziglar
The stages of writing an article, from initial brainstorming, researching, outlining, and completion, do not have to be overwhelming.
You know two things:
  • You need to grab your audience's attention.
  • You need to become a formidable force in your niche.
How do you achieve this?
Think about where you want your work to take you. Next, consider the impact of your work and how it has affected your audience. No matter how many articles you produce, nothing will compare to the experience and emotion that readers experience because of your work.
Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Tips Atasi BBM Yang Lemmot

Kamis kemarin (13/02/12) BlackBerry Messenger untuk BBOS mendapatkan update ke versi banyak terdapat fitur didapatkan.

Namun, pada beberapa type dan OS BBM versi ini terkesan "lemot". Sebetulnya yang membuat lemot adalah menipisnya memory internal yang tersisa karena banyaknya aplikasi yang diinstal dan dijalankan. Jadi, silahkan exit atau hapus aplikasi bersifat online

Sebagai catatan, aplikasi seperti LINE, WhatsApp, KakoTalk, WhatsApp ada diantaranya yang tidak bisa di exit jadi lebih baik hapus. Aplikasi poto editor, seperti picmix, photoStory, atau lainnya berukuran besar lebih baik dihapus saja dan instal ketika memang dibutuhkan sewaktu mau editing saja

Apabila sudah hapus aplikasi yang dirasa kurang penting, tapi tetap merasa lemot solusinya adalah: Matikan jaringan terlebih dulu, cabut baterai kemudian diamkan 5 menit lalu pasang lagi, setelah blackberry menyala, buka BBM tekan tombol blackberry pilih options di bagian contact list style pilih 1 lines, kemudian save, coba nyalakan kembali jaringan

Apabila masih tetap dirasa lemot, coba ganti ke tema bawaan terlebih dahulu dan pastikan tidak banyak aplikasi berjalan.

Semoga Bermanfaat ^^

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

7 Reasons You Should Be Passionate About XYZ

Happy Valentine's Day! Share the passion you have for writing articles using this free Article Template!
"Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch." - Ivern Ball
Facts are waiting for anyone to pick them up and share them with others. However, facts are just facts without connection and enthusiasm. It's your conviction, your belief, your immeasurable feelings, and your passion that compels your audience to stop and listen.
It's for that reason you can positively electrify your writing by sharing your passion and connecting readers to the facts.
Give it a try with this article template!

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Kumpulan Font Lucu dan Keren Untuk BlackBerry Part 4

21. Hamtaro By Katrina

22. Hello Kitty Cute 

5 Smart Ways to Give Your Titles Love

Even Titles Need Tender Loving Care
You need to focus more time on your titles because crummy titles will kill your success. Think about it like this:
Content x Title = Exposure
Now let's take this a step further. Imagine you've spent hours or even days writing a quality, innovative article that's loaded with originality, but zero (quality) time on your title. And what do you get when you multiply anything by zero? Zero.
Several hours or days writing content x 0 title writing = 0 Exposure
Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Kumpulan Font Lucu dan Keren Untuk BlackBerry Part 2

6. GF Ocean Friend

7. Herna

Kumpulan Font Keren dan Lucu untuk BlackBerry

Berikut saya share beberapa font lucu dan keren untuk mempercantik BlackBerry Anda. 
Langsung saja berikut font keren dan lucu untuk BlackBerry Free.

1. Cinamon is cut

How to instal Font in your BlackBerry

Mungkin masih banyak yang belum tahu bagaimana cara instal font di BlackBerry. Berikut saya share tips dan trik untuk cara instal font di BlackBerry khususnya font yang ber extention .ttf menggunakan Font Collection. Cekidot

Cara Instal Font .ttf / How to instal font .ttf :

1. Petama-tama anda harus mempunyai Font Collection. Bisa anda download disini

2. Kemudian buka aplikasi FontCollection tekan Menu > Pilih Instal TTF  seperti gambar dibawah ini.

3. Cari file font .ttf yang telah anda download sebelumnya di Media Card

4. Setelah terinstal kamu bisa setting fontnya di BlackBerry kamu. Untuk mengganti font buka menu Option > Layar/Keyboard (Screen/Keyboard) > Font (pilih font yg kamu suka)

5. Selesai.

Selamat Mencoba ^^

Free Download FontCollection 2.8 For BlackBerry

Font Collection jadikan BlackBerry Anda menjadi tampil beda dengan Aplikasi Font Collection BlackBerry.

Fitur :
  • Access to more than 100 different fonts
  • Easy font management
  • Small footprint
  • Install your own .ttf fonts from media card
Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

BlackBerry App World For BlackBerry Free Download

Version 4.0 Features:
Integration with BlackBerry Commerce Payment Services for Credit Card and PayPal Purchases
BlackBerry Commerce is a payment service which manages all credit card and PayPal purchases and transactions made on BlackBerry App World 4.0
Senin, 03 Februari 2014

AppsLock Pro For BlackBerry FREE Download

Ever wished that your BlackBerry® was accessible only by you?  Apps Lock provides that Ultimate Protection by Restricting unauthorized access to your favorite Applications!
Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

Free Download Advance OS and LED Pro 16.3.1 For BlackBerry

**One time purchase and upgrades are free
* Know if it is a BBM™, SMS, Email or a Call by making upto 4 different Ringtones & LEDs PER Contact.
* Read your messages (BBM™,Email,SMS) without opening any app or even touching your phone.
* Repeat audible reminders alerts for BBM™,Email,SMS,Missed Calls.
* Make custom LEDs for battery, network, Wifi, Bluetooth and all apps Notifications.
* Restart or schedule a phone restart without battery pull.
* Battery & usage monitor feature (full statistics on all your chat, calls, device and battery usage).
* AutoText (Word Substitution) Manager, export /import, share and edit on PC.
Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

A Smart Guide to Increasing Twitter Activity

Did you know in 2013, Twitter had roughly 200 million active users who sent over 400 million tweets daily?
If you haven't been keeping up with Twitter, you may be losing an incredible opportunity to let your writing efforts take off. In this quick post, we're going to show you why Twitter should be a part of your efforts AND how you can avoid letting your Twitter account lie fallow.
Why You Should Be Active on Twitter
  • Improves your connection with readers and broadens your network.
  • Amplifies your brand exposure and boosts your social credibility.
  • Increases viral potential without needing a big marketing budget.
  • Helps you stay on top of news in your niche and current events.
  • Completes a social presence when used in conjunction with other social platform leaders.
Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

WeChat for BlackBerry Free Versi 3.5

WeChat untuk BlackBerry telah update ke versi 3.5, fitur paling mencolok yang diberikan di versi ini adalah adanya 13 paket sticker baru yang menjadikan chat akan semakin hidup.

Fitur emoticon dan emoji dijadikan dalam satu tab. Sticker hasil yang kita download tampil di tab favorit (icon hati) apabila ingin menambah emoji klik tombol +

OS 5 minimum | 4.9MB

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Embrace the Chaos and Make Progress With Your Daily Goals

"Chaos is a friend of mine."

- Bob Dylan

Okay, wait just one minute. It's time to hit "pause."
Bad stress and overwhelming situations are not conducive to your productivity - especially when writing is involved. You can either let the chaos of your home and professional life get you down or perhaps even go through great lengths to beat it into submission.
However, there's another alterative that many people overlook: get more out of your day by embracing your inevitable schedule, including taking unexpected interruptions into stride.
These tips can help.

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Become a Better Manager: Writing, Excuses, and Solutions

Using Every Excuse in the Book NOT to Write?
You're a manager. Perhaps you may not be the person responsible for controlling a company, but you're the manager answerable to your own professional and personal success - including writing.
Own that title: Manager. Allow it to permeate your mindset. Take control.
Next: Become an EFFECTIVE manager. Actively pursue your goals, alleviate stress, be happier, and move closer to achieving your dreams.
I know. You're thinking, "Yeah, but it's not that easy." So what? It's life. Is it supposed to be easy? Would you feel a sense of pride or accomplishment in doing it if it was easy? To quote Marie Curie, pioneer physicist and chemist:
Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.


Pada saat kita mendapat kiriman file ZIP atau RAR di BlackBerry, kita kesulitan membuka file tersebut. Bahkan file manager bawaan Blackberry tidak bisa membuka file RAR. Maka hal yang kita harus lakukan untuk membuka file RAR tersebut adalah dengan mentransfer dulu file RAR ke komputer dan kemudian membukanya dengan menggunakan Winrar atau 7Zip.

Rock File Manager for Blackberry bisa menjadi alternatif untuk Anda agar bisa membuka file RAR dan ZIP di Blackberry. Rock File Manager adalah sebuah Aplikasi File Explorer untuk Blackberry, dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa dengan mudah untuk mengatur file-file di Blackberry, dan bahkan melakukan instalasi file COD di Blackberry langsung.

Kumpulan Font Unik Untuk BlackBerry Free Download

Bosan dengan tampilan huruf yang itu-itu saja di BlackBerry nya? Pada kesempatan kali ini, akan saya share beberapa font yang bisa menghiasi BlackBerry nya sehingga tampak lebih mempesona.
Langsung saja berikut beberapa font yang unik

1. Google Eye

Silent-Camera V2.0 for BlackBerry Free Download

Silent Camera Features:
1. Allows you to take pictures without the camera sound with your screen resolution
2. Set picture as Caller ID or wallpaper
3. Share picture
4. Picture Effects


OS 6 minimum | 738KB