Jumat, 11 April 2014

10 Ways to Inspire, Motivate, and Encourage a Young Writer

April 10 Is Encourage a Young Writer Day!
From poems to short stories to autobiographies to much more, young writers are getting a burst of writing inspiration today!
So why not include articles into the mix? Encourage young writers to offer their insights to the world through article writing!
Yes, even kids are specialists - in their own way. Many kids, with just an ounce of encouragement, will talk your ear off about their hobbies or interests. They know how to perform complicated tasks that even adults have a difficult time handling. And they are often more aware of the latest trends than adults!
Help them channel all of that youthful knowledge and passion by encouraging them to write. Here's how!
Jumat, 04 April 2014

15 Article Templates You Won't Find Anywhere Else!

Not sure what to write for your next set of articles?
Look no further than the Potpourri Article Template package featuring these 15 article ideas.
Why these article templates? Not only do they make writing easier by giving you the structure and a paragraph-by-paragraph walk through, they also give you that spark of inspiration to tap into your innermost thoughts in order to share them with your readers.
And I should mention, as Article Templates go, these are truly special - you'll see!
Kamis, 03 April 2014

Theme iOS 7 for BlackBerry

Great Fusion of iOS and BlackBerry 7.
Maximum Optimization to Prevent Memory Leaks.
Bouncing Icons.
12/15 icon Home Screen, depending on the device.
Changeable app order.
Changeable wallpaper, the Dock remains unchanged.
Screen shots may differ as per device.
Note: for OS6 some icon may not change due to software restriction in OS 6.

I Love 10 Theme for BlackBerry

Download OTA