Senin, 31 Maret 2014

10 Ways to Make People Fall in Love With Your Article

You'll Want to Bookmark This Post!
We're going to skip the cliches about love, romance, and other sundries.
You want to know how to make people fall in love with your articles.
Let me be frank with you: it's not a walk in the park. It takes being honest with yourself and practice, but that doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile!
These 10 steps will help you connect with readers, build your exposure, and you'll have a lot more fun with your writing in the process.
Let's get started.
1. Calling all thrill-seeking titles!
A good title is the difference between stating "I have a story to tell you" and "you're not going to believe what just happened to me." The latter always trumps the former - always. People want to be surprised and even possibly shocked. They want to feel included, like you're sharing some private secret or giving them information that's exclusively for them.

10 Cara Membuat Orang Jatuh Cinta Dengan Artikel Anda

Anda akan Bookmark Post ini!
Kita akan melewatkan klise tentang cinta, asmara, dan serba-serbi lain.
Anda ingin tahu bagaimana membuat orang jatuh cinta dengan artikel Anda.
Biarkan aku jujur ​​dengan Anda: itu bukan berjalan di taman. Dibutuhkan bersikap jujur ​​dengan diri sendiri dan praktek, tapi itu tidak berarti itu tidak berharga!
10 langkah ini akan membantu Anda terhubung dengan pembaca, membangun ekspos, danAnda akan memiliki lebih banyak bersenang-senang dengan tulisan Anda dalam proses.
Mari kita mulai.
1. Memanggil semua judul mencari sensasi!
Judul yang baik adalah perbedaan antara menyatakan "Aku punya cerita untuk memberitahu Anda" dan "Anda tidak akan percaya apa yang baru saja terjadi padaku.

Kumpulan Font Keren dan Lucu untuk BlackBerry Part 5

1. Architex

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

How to Write Informative Content With a Creative Twist

Increase Your Creative Power
Want to have fun? Want to be more daring and feel great about taking risks without worrying about failure? Want to see opportunities instead of obstacles? Want to improve your problem solving skills? Want to be more innovative? Want to be happier and more playful with your writing?
Tap into your creativity.
Discover how you can be more creative, the creative writing process, and gain 10 creativity-infused writing strategies from the pros in the graphic below. Click the graphic below to view this post online!
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

7 Keys to Repair a Severed Connection with Your Audience

Your Opportunity Is Now
Maintaining reader engagement is hard.
There are dozens of minuscule details that can make or break your audience's distraction-prone, hair-trigger attention span. Make it and you'll have gained a reader. Break it and you'll lose a reader.
If you ended up making a bad impression due to a down website, a stray typo in your article, or even a negative review, then it's important to remember: it isn't the end of the world.
It's an opportunity.
You may lose a battle here and there, but your commitment to get back up when you fall and improve your strategy will help you achieve a successful outcome.
Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Cute Smart Sexy Fancy Pink HD Doodle Theme -SMS Viewer And Composer Free For BlackBerry

A cute viewer and composer for your SMS both for Girls and Boys.

Customize the looks of your SMS with A cute viewer and composer for your SMS handsome effects:

  • Textures
  • Backgrounds
  • Colored Bubbles
  • Colored Texts
  • Themes Cursive, bold, italic and 100+ fonts!

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

15 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Your Writing: Kill the Doubt

Stop Doubting Your Ability to Write

The first blog post I had ever written for this blog scared me senseless. I knew the material after years assisting Expert Authors and leading an incredible group of editors, but that first post … I stared a blank screen. I wrote a few lines, deleted them, wrote a few lines, deleted them, and continued repeating the cycle. I checked email and caught up on a few other projects. When Penny hinted at my approaching deadline for it, I finally locked the door to my office and churned out one of the worst drafts I’ve likely ever written in my life.